Can I Go to a Methadone Clinic for Lorcet Addiction?

Being addicted to opiate medications is a dangerous problem that could destroy your life.

Luckily, there is a way out.

Methadone clinics are one of the best tools for curbing your opioid addiction and helping you find a sense of normalcy once again.

However, with the rise of new prescription painkiller addictions, are methadone clinics the right choice for all drugs? In particular, can a methadone clinic help a person with a Lorcet addiction?

What Is Lorcet?

Lorcet Addiction

Methadone will curb your Lorcet cravings and withdrawal symptoms so you can focus on recovery.

Lorcet is a combination of hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen that is used in a medical setting to help control pain. Often, doctors prescribe it for patients with pain stemming from an acute injury or after a surgery to help control suffering as the patient recovers.

In particular, Lorcet affects the central nervous system and smooth muscle in the body, attaching to the opiate receptors in the brain and reducing pain while providing a euphoric sensation.

Unfortunately, this euphoric sensation is exactly why people keep taking it after their prescription runs out. In just a short time, their brains will become addicted to having their opiate receptors constantly stimulated, leading to a physical dependence on the drug that is hard to break.

Are you addicted to Lorcet? Don’t worry, there is hope.

You don’t have to suffer any more. To start on the path to treatment, call us today at 800-678-5931(Paid Advertiser) .

We’ll help you find the nearest treatment center and doctor that can help devise the best detox and medication strategy for your personal situation.

What Is Methadone?

Methadone is an opiate drug that can also be used for pain relief. However, it is most commonly used to help addicts wean themselves off of other opiate drugs.

It works similar to Lorcet, in that it also attaches to the opiate receptors in the brain.

How Does Methadone Help With Lorcet Addiction?

Because methadone and Lorcet both attach to opiate receptors in the brain, methadone is a great choice for Lorcet addicts who want to end their dependence.

By taking methadone, it will block Lorcet from attaching to the receptors in the brain, thereby causing the drug to have no effect on your body if you try taking it.

Even better, because methadone will satisfy your body’s cravings for opiate receptor stimulation, you won’t have any cravings to take Lorcet or other drugs. Methadone also decreases withdrawal symptoms whenever you eventually stop taking Lorcet.

How Does a Methadone Clinic Work?

Going to a methadone clinic is the only way to receive this potent medication, as doctors are not permitted to prescribe take-home doses to patients.

Because methadone must be taken once a day to ensure it’s always present in your system, this means you will have to make a daily trek to your local clinic.

However, after a few visits, this will quickly become a routine part of your day.

It will take your doctor a few days to get up to your maintenance dose of methadone. However, once this dose is reached, you’ll be able to create a normal schedule until you have the clear to end your methadone maintenance treatment altogether.

While some people stay on methadone for just a few months, others are on it for a long-term basis. Your doctor will help you decide which method is right for you.

If you have an addiction to Lorcet, going to a methadone clinic is a great way to fight your battle. You’ll be surrounded by supportive staff and doctors who will stop at nothing to see you drug-free once more.

Whenever you’re ready to get started on your recovery, give us a call at 800-678-5931(Paid Advertiser) to find the highest-rated clinics in your area.

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