Is it safe to Drive While Taking Methadone?
You may be wondering if you can resume your normal routine once you begin a methadone treatment program. Can you immediately get back to work? Can you drive to and from your counseling sessions and appointments to the doctor? Is it safe to drive to a support group?
If you’re not sure when it’s safe to drive while on a MMT program, consider all other options before taking the measure to drive yourself. This is only to ensure your safety as you adjust to the use of the medication.
When will it be safe?

You should have someone drive you to treatment while you’re first becoming stabilized on methadone.
Especially during your first appointment, it may be beneficial to have someone with you simply because the process can be new and intimidating. This person can drive you home as well and should if you are feeling the least bit impaired. However, you can certainly find out if it’s safe to drive yourself to and from your first appointment by calling the methadone clinic before you are scheduled to come in.
It takes some time to become stabilized on methadone, and during this time, you may have some days where your dosage is higher than others. Your doctor may be attempting to discover which dosage is best for you, and during this time, it is more likely that there may be issues associated with your driving ability, especially directly after you receive methadone.
In most cases, though, individuals in methadone treatment will be stabilized on the drug before the one-year mark. This means you should be able to drive yourself much sooner than this point. You will know when it’s safe to drive when your doctor tells you that this activity is acceptable. However, if you ever feel drowsy, confused, or as if your reaction time has been reduced, it is probably safer not to drive. Always take stock of how you feel before you leave the facility, but before too long, you should be comfortable on a methadone dosage that does not cause any issues with your driving ability.
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